Product creation date: 2024-03-30 20:40:06

Royal Swiss – Rice Cooker Kitchen King RS-C021 1.5L 300 W White and Black


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Product description

RS-C021 the cooker with a capacity of 1.5 L You can prepare the cooker without checking the second cooking time! There is no rest in addition to the quantity of indiquée d’eau et de riz dans le bol. You also need to be more careful and concentrate on paying attention to the aspects of your review. You should always be careful with the manual handling of the cooking time. The cooking method is designed for automatic operation and the “maintenance of the cooking” function for the cooking terminée. Insi le riz est toujours parfaitement cuit et reste chaud jusqu’au repas. Pratique: Good luck with anti-adhésif, let’s not take care of the situation, so you can assure your net safety. • Cuisine with electric and automatic 300 W, • Average size: capacity 1.5 L • Automated entièrement: fresh and light, everyone, attend and enjoy your tour! • Passe automatiquement de « cuisson » à « maintien au chaud » lorsque le riz est prêt • Marquage de la quantité d’eau par foute de riz (y compris tasse à mesurer) • Bol intérieur amovible • Longueur du câble : 90 cm • Dimensions : 27 x 18 x 22 cm, pods 1.6 kg • Fourni with the gobelet doseur corresponding